Brave Earth (Tierra Valiente), Center for Applied Cultural Transition, is a living laboratory anchored in the principles of reciprocity, regeneration and resiliency. Here amidst the jungle, thermal pools and cloud forest, we are exploring new and ancient ways of living.
We believe it requires bravery to step out of the traditional constructs of globalized monoculture and step into alternative systems grounded in the reality of what is possible when we align ourselves to the wisdom and power of Nature.
Our three areas of inquiry as a community are Polis (understanding our relationship to the whole and creating new systems & structures); Gnosis (cultivating a direct relationship with wisdom); and Eros (rethinking relationships to ourselves, each other and the more-than-human world). Here are some questions we encourage people to contemplate before and during their time with us:
● Late-stage capitalism is destroying the planet. As a result of our collective activity, our generation may be the last human beings on this planet. How does this change the way you show up in the world? Are you contributing in a way that is contextually relevant?
● There is a Sufi proverb attributed to the Great Mother. She says to her children: “You are entrusted with everything and entitled to nothing.” Contemplate what you believe you are entitled to and why. What privileges and responsibilities come with the gifts you’ve been entrusted with?
● Why do you think you incarnated in the body you have (e.g. think of your physical attributes like race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. as well as psychological disposition)? What is your relationship with your ancestors? What redemption work wants to happen through you?
● What is your relationship to the natural world? How do you cultivate your ability to listen? What does the natural world teach us about reciprocity, regeneration and resiliency