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5 Gallon1 Gallon1 Quart (32 OZ)

Mearlcrete-S is a new synthetic foaming agent developed especially for making the best Aircrete.  It works perfectly with the DragonXl and the Domegaia Building System. 

The Domegaia Building system has been pioneered to work with simple tools and materials. For foaming agents, we've used dish detergent because it's available worldwide, and this still works.  

Mearlcrete-S will take your Aircrete experience to the next level. It is made by Aerix Industries, which has been pioneering foaming agents for Cellular Concrete (Aircrete) used in many different applications since 1940. Up until now, their products have been used exclusively in large-scale construction like highways, commercial buildings, and Industrial Construction.  

Benefits of Mearlcrete

  • Highly concentrated - use less than half the quantity of dish detergent
  • Avoid collapsing with a much higher-integrity foam that is stronger and lasts longer.
  • Better bubble matrix provided higher compression strength and R-Value.
  • Withstands a higher range of conditions, such as cold water, hard water, and bad mixing.
  • Can be pumped and poured higher than dish detergent.
  • Faster foam production.  Less time mixing.
  • Backed by science, engineering, and testing.
  • Cost-effective - Only slightly more than soap to build with.
  • Safe to use and no bad odors
  • No other additives are needed.  No glycerine, plasticizers, or others.

Technical Info:

Target Foam Density: 38 grams per liter
Recommended starting air pressure for DragonXL: 100psi
Recommended Dilution: 1:55 Mearlcrete to Water (12 fl oz to 5 gallon)
Foam Yield Per Gallon: 1340 gallons per gallon of Mearlcrete-S
Aircrete Per Gallon: 215 Cubic feet per gallon
Recommended Cement Mix: 6.8 gallons of water to 94lb Type 1/2 portand cement.

It takes approximately 2 gallons of Mearlcrete-S to make our standard 16 ft diameter dome with 4 inch thick walls.

All Mearlcrete-S included free shipping within the continental USA.

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Detailed instructions on: How to make Aircrete, 

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