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Ultimate Builder Bundle – Save $420
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  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

This package includes everything you need to start building Aircrete Domes and Arches now! 

You will have everything you need to build your very own Aircrete Dome home!

The Online Courses provide step-by-step instructions in writing and video for creating the foundation, forms for blocks, arches, domes and windows.

This deal is only available in 120 volt.  If you require 220 volt for your region please contact us for additional support.

What is Included in The Ultimate Builder Bundle

Domegaia University

Full access to our complete E-Course series

This includes everything in the Aircrete Quick Start Course plus over a 60 individual lessons with written instructions, illustrations and video explanation that will insure your confidence and understanding ever step of the Dome Building Process.

We also provide live support and a chat group with other students and our instructors so you will never be left on your own.  Ask questions, share your project designs, get help with permitting, engineering and project planning.

DragonXL Foam Generator

Revolutionizing the World of Aircrete.

The DragonXL foam generator from Domegaia is a game-changer. Producing high-quality foam is crucial for achieving consistent, successful results in Aircrete projects, and the DragonXL delivers exactly that.

The DragonXL pioneers a new era in foam generation with its compact, portable design, capable of producing large volumes of foam to accommodate both small and large-scale Aircrete projects.

The continuous foam production capability of the DragonXL allows you to refill the foaming agent without shutting down the unit, making it perfect for all-day use. In just minutes, you can produce enough foam for a 45-gallon batch of Aircrete, and do it over an over.

Operating the DragonXL is a breeze, with three straightforward connections: the foaming agent inlet, an air compressor connection, and a built-in pressure regulator, gauge, and shut-off valve. 

Setting up the unit is simple, with detailed instructions provided in our "Aircrete 101" Article and free "Aircrete 101" eBook.


Our 110 volt, 1600W - variable speed Foam-Injection Mixer works with the Dragon XL to mix AirCrete more efficiently and effectively.

Foam naturally floats on top of the heavy cement mixture. The foam-injector ​delivers the foam into the mixing paddle at the bottom of the barrel. This makes it much easier and faster to mix. And creates better consistency in the quality of the aircrete bricks.

Make 45 gallons of AirCrete in a few minutes with Domegaia's tried and true Foam Injection Mixer. 

Magic Tubing Bender

Bender is a precision tool designed for making curved forms for Aircrete foundations, arches, round windows, oval doorways and more!

It can also be used for making greenhouse frames, bending rebar for ferro cement armatures and many other applications.


Powered by a 1/2” drill, Bender takes only 15 seconds to complete a 20’ bend.

Bender comes with roller dies for bending 3/4" EMT (Electrical Metal Tubing). EMT is our preferred material for constructing AirCrete forms. These dies can also be used for bending rebar and smaller size round tubing.

Bender is made of zinc coated steel, with industrial quality precision bearings.

It is so well built we offer a 10 year guarantee! Made in the USA.

Free e-book

The Aircrete 101: 


Download our best DIY guide on: 

Detailed instructions on: How to make Aircrete, 

pour Aircrete blocks and much more to

 get you dreaming big.