Diamond Glamping - Breakfast Only
The meal plan will mostly be a family style buffet and consist of hearty, and nutritious whole foods for breakfast. Vegetarian/vegan options available and will likely feature meals catered by a few local restaurants.
You do not have to stay on-site to take advantage of this meal plan, any and all are welcome!
- Breakfast only 6/14-6/23
Dietary Restrictions and Allergies:
Please add in the notes if you have any dietary restrictions or allergies or email us directly at workshops@domegaia.com
Cancellation Policy:
- Those cancelling more than 2 weeks prior to the first day of the workshop will receive a 50% refund, minus a 7% processing and administration fee.
- No refunds for cancellation requests made less than 2 weeks prior to the first day of the workshop
- If the workshop has to be cancelled for any reason, you will receive an immediate full refund.