These downloadable plans are for a 967 SQF four-dome building with some nice features. This can be a one —or two-bedroom, one-bath building. We love the way all four domes are connected, and you can see down the length, which makes the space feel a lot larger. The big arches allow for a lot of light from the windows. They also allow standard windows to be used with just a few custom curved windows, saving building costs.

What is included in the package:
  • 8 Page Construction document with detailed dimensions, foundation plan, and elevations
  • 3D model files to open in free 3D Max Viewer AutoCAD these can be used for cost-effective modifications.
  • High-resolution Renderings for use in Presentations
We also offer customization services. You can mark up these plans with changes you want and it usually costs only $300-$400 to have them customized.

Note: There are no refunds on this product once purchased.